Management Articles

This portal provides easy-to-access, clutter-free, comprehensive resources (management articles, ebooks, case studies, research papers, notes, tips, etc.) regardingManagement Human Resources (HRM, HR) Operations Management Financial Management Marketing Management Strategic Management Total Quality Management (TQM) International Business Managerial Economics Organizational Behaviour Economics and much more....

Benefits and Features of IndusInd Bank Credit Cards

Possessing a credit card is no longer deemed a luxury; rather, it has evolved into a lifestyle accessory. Beyond merely facilitating immediate credit for both minor and substantial expenditures, credit cards contribute to the establishment of a robust credit history. The range of cards offered by IndusInd Bank is extensive, aiming to cater to the …

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OneCard Credit Card – Eligibility, Benefits, Charges

OneCard is an entry-level free metal credit card offered in partnership with a number of providers like SBM Bank, South Indian Bank, Federal Bank, IDFC FIRST Bank, BOB Financial and CSB Bank. This credit card has numerous features just like other cards but the characteristic that makes this card special is the material from which it …

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What is strategy? Meaning and Definition

Strategy has been researched for a long time by business leaders and by business theorists. But, there is no definitive answer regarding what strategy is actually. Strategy can often be mistaken for tactics, goals and even actions. A strategy is the direction and scope of a business in the long run. It aids a business …

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Management Accounting

Management accounting is related to preparing and presentation of accounting and controlling information in a format that helps management in the formulation of policies and in decision-making on different matters connected. It is by using the techniques of management accounting that the executives are provided the information which they require to achieve objectives for which …

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Types of International Capital Flows

International Capital Flows usually means the inflow and outflow of capital from one country to another country. In this article, we have discussed about the different types of International Capital Flows like Foreign direct investment (FDI), Foreign portfolio investment (FPI), trade flows, invisibles, external assistance, external commercial borrowings and private loan flows.

Key Management Functions

The entire process of management includes certain key management functions like planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Management is defined as a process which involves responsibility for economical and efficient planning & control of operations of an organization in the fulfillment of given objectives.