Gatekeepers in Regional Networks of Innovators

Strong connection of innovative actors within a local network is often thought to increase the region-specific knowledge-stock, resulting in a comparative advantage. Nevertheless, it might also result in a lock-in scenario, if local trajectories are directed towards inferior solutions. Accordingly, it’s debated that successful clusters are characterized by the presence of gatekeepers, i.e. actors which …

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Knowledge transfer and learning: A case study conducted in Company X in UK

Project management has become a natural way of conducting activities in companies. The aim is continuous improvement in project performance. The way knowledge is managed in the company is crucial for gaining competitive advantage. Knowledge management and learning, has been recognized by academics and practitioners as important to achieving success and improvement in projects.

Transgeneration Knowledge Sharing In A Nested Ba

The purpose of this paper is to present a new perspective of studying transgeneration knowledge transfer in a nested Ba. As a case study we choose Academy of Economic Study of Bucharest, Romania. Ba is a concept introduced in knowledge management by Nonaka and his co-workers, and it is the dynamic context for knowledge creation …

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Communicating Knowledge in Globally Dispersed Teams: A Study of Autoliv

Background: As companies are operating more and more globally, the need for increasingly coordinating and cooperating activities are becoming important. One solution to problems associated with work in globally dispersed teams can be to organize business activites, such as product development, virtually. A virtual setting for knowledge transfer is becoming a part of day-to-day activities …

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Knowledge Management at Tata Steel

Tata Steel decided to embark on formal KM initiative in the year 1999. The beginning was made in July’99 to place a Knowledge Management (KM) programme for the company to systematically & formally share and transfer learning concepts, best practices and other implicit knowledge. The essence of Knowledge management is to capture the available abundant …

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