Accounting, Stock Markets and Everyday Life

The backdrop of this dissertation is one ubiquitous element of everyday life: the stock market. Traditionally, accounting and stock markets are logically coordinate entities and this thesis analyzes how accounting supports private investors in their role as shareholders – as investors in shares and owners of companies. This analysis is carried out in four independent essays. The first two essays analyze the privatization of Telia, a former state-owned Telecommunication Company in Sweden that went public in 2000. The field material for the two essays consisted of newspaper articles, government bills and interviews. Qualitative and quantitative analyses demonstrate how accounting is used among different actors to realize the privatization. Theoretically, the first two essays lend themselves to the governmentality debate as introduced to accounting research by Miller and Rose (1990). The third and fourth essays are analyses of annual general meetings (AGMs). The field material was generated from a study of participants at 36 AGMs during the spring of 2004.The choice of these two seemingly unrelated cases was done deliberately. Both cases are stock market events that typically involve an audience of a large number of non-professional investors. In the privatization of Telia over 1 million people took part in the offer. The AGMs are typically seen as the single event by which non-professional investors have an opportunity to meet with top management. Thus, each event represents an instance in which accounting is confronted by a predominantly non-professional audience.
The contribution of this study is two-fold…


1. Introduction to accounting, stock markets and everyday life
2. Backdrop to stock markets and everyday life
2.1 Stock markets and everyday life– an overview of savings patterns
2.2 Stock markets and everyday life – a regulatory concern
2.2.1 The general public as investors
2.2.1 The general public as owners
2.3 Stock markets and everyday life – the role of newspapers
2.4 Stock markets and everyday life – a summary
3. Accounting, stock market and everyday life
3.1 Earlier research – accounting research and sociology of markets
3.2 Research questions about accounting, stock markets and everyday life
4. Accounting, stock markets and everyday life – introducing the four essays
4.1 Essays 1 and 2
4.2 Essays 3 and 4
5. Contribution and suggestions for future research
6. Concluding remarks and directions for future research
Newspaper articles cited in the text
Appendix 1 to section 2: Stock markets and everyday life – an overview of savings patterns
Documentary Sources
Appendix 2 to section 2.2: (Stock markets and everyday life – a regulatory concern)
The study of the reports of the FI and the Swedish code of conduct
Documentary Sources

Author: Johed, Gustav

Source: Uppsala University Library

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